Our School Lunch Ethos
Meals are prepared and cooked in our own kitchen, to a high and nutritional standard by our own Unit Manager. Menus are displayed in school for parents and pupils. Meals include home cooked foods and a wide range of fresh salad and vegetable items, as well as fruit.
Children are encouraged to have a cooked meal but provision is made for children who bring a packed lunch. We encourage children to eat as healthy a packed lunch as possible and enforce a 'nut-free' policy. A half term's notice of intention to change lunch arrangements is required. Universal free school meals are available for Reception, Year One and Year Two pupils.
Focus on a healthy eating approach.
At Slaley First School, we aim to weave aspects of food education such as cooking and growing vegetables into school life and the curriculum.
Mrs. Seymour ensures that school lunches meet ‘The School Food Standards’ and utilizes food checklists in order to promote healthy eating.
Children are made aware of the importance of healthy choices and a balanced diet. This is done through the use of discrete class teaching relating to curriculum objectives as well as links to other subjects e.g. Science and specific cooking tasks. In addition, food grown in our school garden is used whenever possible. Our Before and After School Club also focuses on food as part of a healthy lifestyle.