Financial Information

Slaley First School
Financial Information
Below is a link to the webpage which is dedicated to the schools financial benchmarking service
On this page you can view our school's financial data, see how it compares with others and use the information to establish relationships with other schools or multi-academy trusts.
There are NO STAFF that earn over £100K per year

Statement on Gender Pay Gap

As the school has less than 250 employees, we are not legally required to report on any gender pay gap. However, we are committed to probity and transparency. We strive to ensure that all staff flourish and are treated fairly, equally and with dignity. This is reflected in our personnel policies and the manner in which we work in collaboration with staff and representative agencies such as trade union organisations.

Teaching staff participate in the performance management process which is undertaken with rigour. Teachers’ pay rates are set in line with the School Teachers’ Pay & Conditions Document 2023. Teachers’ pay rates are applied regardless of gender, based on their experience, expertise and any additional roles or responsibilities they hold in school. Pay rates for support and administration staff are determined by Local Government pay scales. Staff are paid according to the job reference number and job description for their role, regardless of gender.