Medicines in School
Our requirements for giving medicines in school are strict because they are governed by the statutory DfE guidance Supporting Children with Medical Conditions (2015). The school's full Medical Policy will be available soon for parents to view online, although in the meantime, our procedures for giving medicines in school are as follows:
Prescription medicines
We will only accept prescribed medicines that are in date, labelled, provided in the original container as dispensed by the pharmacist and include instructions for administration, their dosage and storage.
Non-prescribed medicines
General non-prescribed medicines will not be given, however medicine for pain relief (e.g Calpol) will be given if we are in receipt of written permission from the parent. We will check with parents before giving Calpol to confirm that children have not previously taken any medication containing paracetamol within the preceding 4 hours, and will only give one dose.
We will never administer aspirin or medicine containing Ibuprofen to any child, unless it has been prescribed by a doctor.
If your child needs any form of medication in school, please speak to the school office in the first instance.There will always be a form for you to complete to give permission, as we can't give any medicine without your written consent.